Written by Mahad Ahmad

Updated over a week ago

There are multiple ways to get started with Remoty. You can get started quickly by importing all of your team members from platforms like:

  1. Slack
  2. Lark
  3. MS Teams (Coming Soon)

1. Setup with Slack

To add remoty to your slack workspace (if you don't have a slack workpsace, you can read this article & create a workspace for your team.), head to the remoty website & click on the

button. After clicking on the button, you'll be redirected to a new page where you'll have to give permission to remoty so that it can access your Slack workspace.

⚠️ Please make sure that you're logged into your Slack workspace & your desired workspace is selected on the upper right corner of the screen.

Click on Allow & you're all set! 🎉

2. Setup with Lark

To add remoty to your Lark workspace, head to the remoty website & click on the Add to Lark button, which will redirect you to Lark App Directory.